Sunday, October 29, 2023

EVIL SPIRITS & ENTITIES! The Guides REVEAL Ancient Method to PROTECT Yourself! | Suzanne Giesemann

Probably the best podcast I have seen on this YouTube channel so far. Explains ALLOT, when you really think about it, especially in relation to all the discrepancies and apparent contradictions within the New Testament, and even the gospels themselves. (In a way). The gentleman here, Robert Conner, seems to imply that at least some of these discrepancies may be related to the fact that Jesus never really did rise from the dead to begin with, and that his disciples (and some of the others) were not really seeing the physical (risen) Jesus himself, but a ghost. I definitely get what he is saying (and it would explain some of the things written in relation to people not immediately recognizing him) but in all fairness, and for the sake of argument (I just looked this up from memory) there is a passage in one of the gospels that goes like this: "While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be with you.' But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost. Then he said to them, 'Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.' While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed, he asked them, 'Have you anything here to eat?' They gave him a piece of baked fish; he took it and ate it in front of them." -Lk. 24: 36-43. Of course (even though Conner failed to mention and address this particular passage) all the gospels still differ from each other, in their particular telling of the resurrection story, which really does seem to go to the heart of what Conner seems to be saying here, about it making the whole narrative suspect in the first place. And I definitely get that. 
(The particular passage indicated here, is also not in the other gospels, but only in the gospel of Luke). Something else came to mind, when I was watching the video, I remembered when I went to catholic school, the Holy Spirit used to be called the Holy Ghost! Just sayin'. Makes ya' think though. And I do definitely believe there are such things as ghosts. I actually saw one (at least) once myself, as a matter of fact. (But that's neither here nor there). But anyway, either way, it seems that this particular gospel writer at least, had the ghost part already covered, possibly in case it came up as an argument later? I don't know really. But (as I stated before) there DEFINITELY are ALLOT of discrepancies between all four of the gospels itself, with the story of the crucifixion and the resurrection, being just one of them. But a BIG one, never-the-less...

"Were the Apostles of Jesus All Martyred?" Have to watch on YouTube for this one, but it is pretty interesting...

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Christianity One Year After Jesus...

I am not on some kind of anti-Christianity rant here, it just so happens that YouTube seems to pick up on the algorithm from prior videos that you have viewed, and then similar videos show up in your home feed and the like. If it looks interesting (and seems credible and informative) I may post it to my blog here, like this one, I guess. And that's what happened here. In other words, I didn't go looking for it. I have to say, I really dig YouTube though. I'm not saying its perfect, but in my opinion, it is probably the most informative and interesting website, by far. No doubt about it...

Yea, ya know, when your right, your right. Of course, this is in relation to the recent Hamas terrorist attacks on the Jewish people in Israel, and their related atrocities...
Ya know, what the Rabbi is saying here, DEFINITELY reminds me of what is written in one of the ancient Jewish Apocryphal Wisdom books ironically (and also in the Catholic Bible) which I remember from when I was a kid, but really didn't learn it myself, until later on in life. The hard way...
"In prosperity we cannot know our friends; in adversity an enemy will not remain concealed. When a man is successful even his enemy is friendly; in adversity even his friend disappears. Never trust your enemy, for his wickedness is like corrosion in bronze. Even though he acts humbly and peaceably toward you, take care to be on your guard against him... Who pities a snake charmer when he is bitten, or anyone who goes near a wild beast? So it is with the companion of the wicked man...
While you stand firm, he makes no bold move; but if you slip he cannot hold back. With his lips an enemy speaks sweetly, but in his heart he schemes to plunge you into the abyss. Though an enemy has tears in his eyes, if given the chance, he will never have enough of your blood..." -Sirach 12: 8-18
"The heart of a man changes his countenance, either for good or for evil..." 
-Sirach 13: 24-25

Definitely words to live by. (I know). In fact, I have come to learn myself, that really understanding these things (and developing or having discernment) can even possibly save your life! (And who would better understand this, then the Jewish people themselves?) Especially, if you're a trusting person by nature, because you know, that you, yourself can be trusted. Wanted to look this up and post it as a reminder, for myself, if for no other reason...

Freakin' BRILLIANT video. And an absolutely MUST SEE. In other words, in the case of religion, Hamas is like a perfect example for instance, where religion (and belief in your particular version of God) actually becomes a detriment to peace and societal well being. In fact, humanity itself has seen this in many different ways (and cultures) down thru the centuries. Particularly, in two of the major world religions, Christianity and Islam. And that, very well, ironically may be the reason why the more progressive societies have mostly abandoned the notion of belief and adherence to a particular religion altogether. Although, it still doesn't negate an individual's own particular spiritual beliefs. The main litmus test: Does it conform to reason and rational thinking and behavior or not. Intelligent people (in general) recognize this, and that's why those particular nations generally do much better then nations that force a particular religious belief on their people (as a form of control) and as in the case of most Islamic nations (like Iran, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia) for example...
In other words, 'free' societies (in the true sense of the word) are generally better (and more advanced) societies. And human history itself has proved this to be true...

"I'm Scottish, and whenever I talk to religious Americans about secular societies, they usually start talking about socialism being the logical conclusion of a godless society. I used to find that very strange, but the more I watch what's going on in US politics, the more I understand. The GOP has equated satanism and secularism with socialist and progressive policies, and the two have become inextriably linked in the minds of a huge number of people. They believe that secular countries are wallowing in sin and poverty, where we aren't free to live our lives  and eat rats for every meal. Only through Jesus can we be saved. The exact opposite is the truth, however. We have thrown off the shackles that the church had bound us in for centuries, and we're much better for it.
I'm pretty sure that 99% of right wing conservative politicians in the USA are grifters, using religion to enrich themselves, but there are just enough actual believers  to make them dangerous. Banning books, revising history and denying a persons right to identify as anything but what thier holy book prescribes is not how a society develops, it is how it regresses and stagnates. The current push towards Christian Nationalism is a direct road to a fascist theocracy, but they don't appear to see it. They will condemn Islamic dictatorships while demanding that the laws and morality of the bible are enforced, because thier holy book is obviously the real one." 
-@tussk (YouTube Viewer).

"If you are taught religion when you're very young, before you've developed critical thinking skills that aspect of your belief system will be compartmentalized and separate from other, more rational beliefs. This is why religious institutions are so hot to get children indoctrinated young." -@UncleBuz (YouTube Viewer).

"Morality preceded religion by thousands of years..." -@trinidadscorpion3835 (YouTube Viewer).

"I'm in my later 60s now. I owe a massive debt of gratitude to a couple of amazing people who are no longer with us ❤, who opted NOT to indoctrinate us (big fam) as children and instead gently encouraged us to develop critical thinking skills and decide for ourselves through personal experience and realization. Thanks M&D, you did us a giant solid. Respect and love." -usaturnuranus (YouTube Viewer).

"I live in the Bible belt, the zone with the greatest criminality rates in the US." 
-rocioaguilera3555 (YouTube Viewer).

Probably the best explanation (I have heard so far) as to possibly why it is called the Roman Catholic Church. Also, what seems to be the real translation to some of the words in the Lord's Prayer...

Yea, from what I understand (and I heard this years ago) the part in the Lords Prayer that says "forgive us our trespasses (or 'sins') as we forgive those who trespass (or 'sin') against us is really not accurate (and may have even been tampered with over time) because, it has been said (and sometimes even translated this way) in the original language (or source) to actually mean: "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." This even seems to be more plausible, considering the period and culture Jesus was (allegedly) living in. And yea, I do get the Rabbi's point, that it does sorta' contradict the basic premise of (fundamental) Christianity itself, that we can only be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. But (of course) its just one of the many contradictions to begin with, in the New Testament. If you really know it to begin with, and read it honestly, with an open mind, and have common sense, that is. So really, the point basically is, that you should at least have a clue as to what you are worshipping, but also praying, as well. 'Cause it quite possibly, could even be dangerous. (Especially the worshipping part). I guess, the beginning of the Lord's Prayer DOES seem to be pretty positive, but the latter part may have been added, edited, or maybe both, I don't know. But yea, the second part of the prayer, definitely does not seem to add up, one way or the other. (So it would seem). And so the argument definitely does seem to make allot of sense, either way, and have always wondered about it myself. Just sayin'. Jesus, along with the development of the Christmas holiday itself, may very well be some kind of archetype, in a way. Maybe. If you want to at least still try to look at the whole thing in a positive light. In other words, the word 'Christ' means 'anointed'. (The word 'anointed' was really a term that was usually used to refer to ancient Hebrew Kings). And in the Catholic Charismatic movement, at least, we are all called to be 'anointed'- to heal the world. (In Reform Judaism it is called: Tikkun Olam). And just take it from there I guess, because there is still some pretty intense stuff in the New Testament, looking at it objectively, that is. But yea, once again, you just HAVE TO USE common sense, critical thinking, and objective reasoning...

Wow! Mind blower...

Another, one of the best videos from this YouTube Channel. Some really brilliant stuff from the Rabbi in this discussion. Interestingly, the Rabbi also mentions (in so many words) that he does emphatically believe in the existence of a Heaven and a Hell, and that he DEFINITELY believes that Hitler (and his henchmen) ARE in hell...

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

UK's Top Psychic REVEALS Humanity's NEXT STAGE! Brace Yourself for the BIG RESET! | Nicky Alan

Have to have an extra open mind for this blog post. Wasn't sure exactly what it was all about, until I started to watch the videos. Different, but interesting...

The Bible's prediction about Hamas will BLOW YOUR MIND

Yea, I agree. What Hamas did was an abomination. In fact, they themselves are an abomination. The very name they have chosen, speaks it. And they blaspheme (and mock) God right to his face, by declaring "Ali Akbar!" ("God is great!") while committing their extremely heinous crimes. They are literally the devil himself... 
And I am not even a very religious person. But when your right, your right. And I myself, unfortunately, am all too familiar with this type of (criminal) psychological profile. (That includes, the terrorist sympathizer type. I actually worked with them!) 
I know exactly how they think, and how they operate. (Not to even mention, that they would begrudge a people this little sliver of land that was rightfully theirs, and that they were exiled from for generations, especially after what the Jewish people went thru during the Holocaust, is in itself, as a rational person, mind-blowing to me). 
Why the devil himself (through scum such as Hamas) would seem so intent on destroying the Jews (down thru the ages, and as a people) is another matter, that I have yet to fully understand. And, as far as the recent strike on a hospital in Gaza (as of the time I am posting this blog) very well may be Hamas themselves, attempting to put the blame on Israel. That is DEFINITELY not out of the realm of probability, and DEFINITELY fits their deranged psychological profile. Duh...
"How simple the subduers." -Dune (Quote that comes to mind for some reason).

It also may be worth noting here, that the recent solar eclipse that happened around this time, was quite interesting (whether just a coincidence or not) as there were those who did predict, when the last solar eclipse had occurred back in 2017, that this WAS most likely going to be some kind of omen as well. Just sayin'. And something to think about, I guess. I just couldn't resist mentioning this myself, for whatever its worth. I guess, this would be something possibly related to the more spiritual side of things, if you will. Also, I thought it was a little odd, that these things had also transpired a rather short time after I had sorta' chided Jimmy Dore on Twitter, in relation to him seemingly turning on Robert F. Kennedy, after Kennedy had indicated he was Pro-Israel. (And where I had mentioned, that as JFK had indicated himself, that I also believed that Hamas IS a terrorist organization, as we are now seeing like never before). Also, the previous blog post here, where I mention the Jewish people and all. (Again, it could just possibly be a coincidence, or not). But I do have excellent reason to believe (whether it is all just a coincidence or not) that these guys DO know who I am, regardless, for reasons I mention above, and in a previous post on this blog, which I am also not going to get into here, but which goes to my point (which I have also previously mentioned) that many of the bad guys do know who I am. (Remember, I lived in the area in Maryland, where the Feds had traced the source of the anthrax attacks! Which was DEFINITELY an INCREDIBLY strange coincidence in itself. And then, there's the TWA Flight 800 explosion off the coast of Long Island, that just happened to take place on my birthday!) As, I believe, allot of these things ARE related (and many of the bad guys do know and conspire with each other) and do plan things in advance. (Duh). Kinda' reminds me of that Clint Eastwood flick all those years ago. (Ya know, the one with the psycho who keeps trying to set him up?) Crazy sh*t. Whew. (Just want them to leave me the f**k alone, really. I didn't freakin' sign up for this!) But here we go again... 
Let's hope I'm wrong, but ya know, once again (and either way) I don't need anyone to tell me about how fu**ed up allot of people can really be. (But that's why we got the world we got). Damn...

"Powerful message for every human soul that is asking about the meaning of life." 
-ImkereiOswald (YouTube Viewer).
"Beautifully said :) May God bless and protect all the faithful and all the innocent. Amen" -annettemunnich3533 (YouTube Viewer).

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Why He Left Christianity: The 3 Bible Issues He Couldn't Ignore

Just had to put this video somewhere, as food for thought, if nothing else. Again, it addresses some of the problems with Christianity (particularly, fundamentalist, right-wing Christianity) as well as, brilliantly (and objectively) refuting (in my strong opinion) the ignorant belief that the ENTIRE Bible is the INFALLIBLE word of God. This is not to say, that there are not some brilliant (and positive) things in the Bible as well, but one has to also keep in mind, that most of the Bible, which are really the Jewish scriptures (the Christian Old Testament) was written by Jews, and (mostly) for Jews! Which would also include Jewish converts, and the like. (i.e. Those who believe in the one God. Abraham's God, if you will, as expressed, for the most part, in the Hebrew Bible). I mention this, to prevent anyone (who may be reading this) from giving in to despair. (Or for anyone with bad intentions, who may think they will get a free pass, because nothing means anything). Once again, whatever you believe, it is pretty obvious (to me anyway) that something created all this. I myself, find it really hard to believe, that this is all the result of some kind of evolutionary accident, for example. It's just WAY too complex. In my opinion, anyway...

Also, one has to keep in mind, and the reason I agree with the arguments here, that the entire bible couldn't be the inerrant word of God, is simply because of the many contradictions. With some being discussed here. For instance, on the positive side of some of those contradictions, not mentioned in this discussion, are the following passages that come to mind that I looked up from memory: "He has shown you, o man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8. "The multitude of your sacrifices - what are they to me? says the Lord. I have more then enough of burnt offerings, of rams, and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls, and rams, and goats." -Isaiah 1:11. Of course, the latter passage sort of like contradicts the requirement of animal sacrifices as an offering to God, and an expiation for a persons "sins". (From what I understand, there is not even a word for 'sin' in the Hebrew language. The closest word they have that is usually translated in this way actually means: "Missing the mark"). 
So what many of the later Hebrew prophets seem to be saying, is to do what is right, is enormously much more important then anything else, because God looks at the heart, and actually abhors animal sacrifice. Which, if you have ever read the Bible, that passage alone, pretty much contradicts that part in the Mosaic law allegedly given by God to Moses! So, there you have it, and pretty much goes to the heart (no pun intended) of what these guys are discussing. Enough said. I don't really want to go on and on regarding this, but I just thought it was important, in the light of this discussion, to point at least some of these things out. I also emphatically believe (not withstanding the fact that there is good and bad in every nationality, and the contradictions in the Bible itself) that there is DEFINITELY a special place in the heart of God for the Jewish people, AND the nation of Israel. (As was foretold by some of the ancient Hebrew prophets). And I STRONGLY condemn the recent malevolent terrorist attacks by HAMAS, which included innocent women, children, the elderly, and even Holocaust survivors! 
May God remember his people, protect them, help them, and grant them justice for all they have suffered...

Also, just one more thing. When evangelical (right-wing) Christianity for instance, goes against things such as social safety nets and the like, they lose their argument, in my strong opinion anyway, and it becomes even that much more bizarre and contradictory, and understandably abhorrent to rational people. (And ironically, and quite frankly, even more like the terrorist criminals themselves!) And lends that much more credence to the arguments discussed here. (Think about it). 
Everything is relative...
And (having an open mind and all) I am also not necessarily saying, that the entire story of Jesus is just a farce, either. (I really don't know). There are some wise sayings and great stories there as well. (If you do have an open mind). But I do at least agree with the premise discussed here, that there are definitely some problems with Christianity; with some of those problems being brought to light here, in a very subjective (and objective) way, that any rational and sensible person (who wants to honestly know the truth) would have to consider. And, one way or the other, it definitely does not necessarily mean, that there is no such thing as God, either. It just means (as mentioned in this video) that there ARE obviously some problems with Christianity, in more ways then one. As with all religions created by man. As one thing (addressed both by Christianity and Judaism) DOES seem to be all too true: Man himself (generally speaking) is a flawed and fallen creature. (And that's why we got a fu**ed up world). And that's why the Buddhist sage once said: "You have to be the change you want to see in the world." That's all...


"I think it absolutely is a doomsday cult. It started out as one and I think for the most part it still is. It might not be the main focus anymore for every denomination, but it is there." -Lleanlleawrg (YouTube Viewer).

"So, basically, if you are in a fundamentalist Christian Church, you might be in a doomsday cult, and you might be getting scammed by your pastor/cult leader. If he is getting tithes and donations to help in the end of days, run, don't walk, to the exits." 
-dancahill9585 (YouTube Viewer).

"I think Churches today do talk about this. In the Church I grew up in, I remember them saying 'If Jesus comes back tonight will you be ready?'" -user-fr3hg3vx3t (YouTube Viewer).

"It’s weird that they don’t see how common “modern churches” very much ARE doomsday cults and it’s not even sort of rare." -ultravioletpisces3666 
(YouTube Viewer).

"The worst, most dangerous element of apocalyptic thinking is that all plans and efforts for future generations are abandoned. Hoping for a 'new Earth' leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy state of mind which is utterly unhelpful if you're planning a future for Humanity." -user-fq4yz5ek3r (YouTube Viewer).

"Thank you for continuing to talk about apocalypticism. I know you may be tired of the subject, but I find it fascinating, and I'm sure others do, too. It sheds an entirely different light on Jesus than what mainstream, popular Christianity teaches.  
It comes as a revelation, no pun intended.  It makes a lot of what Jesus said and did more understandable. Thanks again for a great podcast."  
-EdwardM.62 (YouTube Viewer).

Is Predestination True and What IS Free Will? - Rabbi Tovia Singer - 1777

For informational purposes only. Couldn't resist saving this somewhere...  Despite what I believe are some of the (pretty obvious) probl...