Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Why He Left Christianity: The 3 Bible Issues He Couldn't Ignore

Just had to put this video somewhere, as food for thought, if nothing else. Again, it addresses some of the problems with Christianity (particularly, fundamentalist, right-wing Christianity) as well as, brilliantly (and objectively) refuting (in my strong opinion) the ignorant belief that the ENTIRE Bible is the INFALLIBLE word of God. This is not to say, that there are not some brilliant (and positive) things in the Bible as well, but one has to also keep in mind, that most of the Bible, which are really the Jewish scriptures (the Christian Old Testament) was written by Jews, and (mostly) for Jews! Which would also include Jewish converts, and the like. (i.e. Those who believe in the one God. Abraham's God, if you will, as expressed, for the most part, in the Hebrew Bible). I mention this, to prevent anyone (who may be reading this) from giving in to despair. (Or for anyone with bad intentions, who may think they will get a free pass, because nothing means anything). Once again, whatever you believe, it is pretty obvious (to me anyway) that something created all this. I myself, find it really hard to believe, that this is all the result of some kind of evolutionary accident, for example. It's just WAY too complex. In my opinion, anyway...

Also, one has to keep in mind, and the reason I agree with the arguments here, that the entire bible couldn't be the inerrant word of God, is simply because of the many contradictions. With some being discussed here. For instance, on the positive side of some of those contradictions, not mentioned in this discussion, are the following passages that come to mind that I looked up from memory: "He has shown you, o man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8. "The multitude of your sacrifices - what are they to me? says the Lord. I have more then enough of burnt offerings, of rams, and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls, and rams, and goats." -Isaiah 1:11. Of course, the latter passage sort of like contradicts the requirement of animal sacrifices as an offering to God, and an expiation for a persons "sins". (From what I understand, there is not even a word for 'sin' in the Hebrew language. The closest word they have that is usually translated in this way actually means: "Missing the mark"). 
So what many of the later Hebrew prophets seem to be saying, is to do what is right, is enormously much more important then anything else, because God looks at the heart, and actually abhors animal sacrifice. Which, if you have ever read the Bible, that passage alone, pretty much contradicts that part in the Mosaic law allegedly given by God to Moses! So, there you have it, and pretty much goes to the heart (no pun intended) of what these guys are discussing. Enough said. I don't really want to go on and on regarding this, but I just thought it was important, in the light of this discussion, to point at least some of these things out. I also emphatically believe (not withstanding the fact that there is good and bad in every nationality, and the contradictions in the Bible itself) that there is DEFINITELY a special place in the heart of God for the Jewish people, AND the nation of Israel. (As was foretold by some of the ancient Hebrew prophets). And I STRONGLY condemn the recent malevolent terrorist attacks by HAMAS, which included innocent women, children, the elderly, and even Holocaust survivors! 
May God remember his people, protect them, help them, and grant them justice for all they have suffered...

Also, just one more thing. When evangelical (right-wing) Christianity for instance, goes against things such as social safety nets and the like, they lose their argument, in my strong opinion anyway, and it becomes even that much more bizarre and contradictory, and understandably abhorrent to rational people. (And ironically, and quite frankly, even more like the terrorist criminals themselves!) And lends that much more credence to the arguments discussed here. (Think about it). 
Everything is relative...
And (having an open mind and all) I am also not necessarily saying, that the entire story of Jesus is just a farce, either. (I really don't know). There are some wise sayings and great stories there as well. (If you do have an open mind). But I do at least agree with the premise discussed here, that there are definitely some problems with Christianity; with some of those problems being brought to light here, in a very subjective (and objective) way, that any rational and sensible person (who wants to honestly know the truth) would have to consider. And, one way or the other, it definitely does not necessarily mean, that there is no such thing as God, either. It just means (as mentioned in this video) that there ARE obviously some problems with Christianity, in more ways then one. As with all religions created by man. As one thing (addressed both by Christianity and Judaism) DOES seem to be all too true: Man himself (generally speaking) is a flawed and fallen creature. (And that's why we got a fu**ed up world). And that's why the Buddhist sage once said: "You have to be the change you want to see in the world." That's all...


"I think it absolutely is a doomsday cult. It started out as one and I think for the most part it still is. It might not be the main focus anymore for every denomination, but it is there." -Lleanlleawrg (YouTube Viewer).

"So, basically, if you are in a fundamentalist Christian Church, you might be in a doomsday cult, and you might be getting scammed by your pastor/cult leader. If he is getting tithes and donations to help in the end of days, run, don't walk, to the exits." 
-dancahill9585 (YouTube Viewer).

"I think Churches today do talk about this. In the Church I grew up in, I remember them saying 'If Jesus comes back tonight will you be ready?'" -user-fr3hg3vx3t (YouTube Viewer).

"It’s weird that they don’t see how common “modern churches” very much ARE doomsday cults and it’s not even sort of rare." -ultravioletpisces3666 
(YouTube Viewer).

"The worst, most dangerous element of apocalyptic thinking is that all plans and efforts for future generations are abandoned. Hoping for a 'new Earth' leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy state of mind which is utterly unhelpful if you're planning a future for Humanity." -user-fq4yz5ek3r (YouTube Viewer).

"Thank you for continuing to talk about apocalypticism. I know you may be tired of the subject, but I find it fascinating, and I'm sure others do, too. It sheds an entirely different light on Jesus than what mainstream, popular Christianity teaches.  
It comes as a revelation, no pun intended.  It makes a lot of what Jesus said and did more understandable. Thanks again for a great podcast."  
-EdwardM.62 (YouTube Viewer).

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