Sunday, April 24, 2022

Vatican Secret Archives...

I posted this video mostly for some of the very interesting information about the Vatican Secret Archive segment. It seems to go off though on some additional disturbing things in relation to a supposed apparition of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, by a Nun in Japan? For whatever its worth, I do think it is important to note however, that (according to what the documentary narrator says here at least) is that what this alleged visionary states about what the Mother of Jesus told her, sorta' like contradicts the Bible, to the best of my understanding anyway. (And of course, is seemingly very negative). For the simple reason being, that in the Book of Genesis for instance, there is a passage where Abraham allegedly has this conversation with God, who is about to (allegedly) destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham asks God, if he would destroy the city if there were just 10 righteous people living in the city, and God responds by saying that he would not. In other words, sh*t happens, and good, innocent people sometimes, of course, do suffer and die through no fault of their own. However, when you say, that God is the cause of these bad things that will deliberately hurt "righteous" people, it contradicts, at least, what is written in the Jewish Bible. (Despite some of the contradictions in the Bible itself, as it was written by different people, with much of it being a tribal-like ancient text to begin with).  
I do believe, as alleged in the Visions of the Mother of Jesus at Fatima (which is approved by the Catholic Church, from what I understand) that there is such a thing as Hell. (Or a dark place where some souls go, because I guess, that is basically where they have chosen to go themselves). There are plenty of accounts (too numerous to deny) that there IS some kind of a dark abode in some other dimension. For instance, there are plenty of true stories of those who have messed with Ouja Boards, with dire consequences. (And in many cases, have even become possessed by an evil spirit as a result!) 
There are also many very credible stories of people who have messed with something in Jewish mythology known as a Dybbuk Box, and have lived to regret it, if they did live at all! So there does seem to be some kind of dark abode of the dead, and of demonic spirits. My feeling, is that many of those who do wind up there, are individuals who are held to a stricter account (such as world leaders and the like) and who use their authority for their own selfish ambitions at the expense of others; and to willingly and viciously harm (and hurt) the innocent. i.e. Adolph Hitler, 
Vladimir Putin, Mitch McConnell (although, I don't wish it on him, but just thought it would be like, kinda' funny to throw his name in there) as, I guess also, others muddled in some really dark and evil sh*t, like serial killers, sadists, those involved in hardcore Satanic cults, etc.
On the positive side of all this (in regards to what I mention as indicated in the Jewish Bible for instance) there is a profound school of thought within Judeo-Christianity, that God does not want the destruction of this world, but wants it to be transformed into a paradise. (For the sake of "the righteous" if you will, as indicated in the Jewish scriptures for instance). Hence, the book written by a Rabbi called: "God in Search of Man". No further comment. Too deep. I don't even fully understand it myself, except  for the obvious: that there is a difference between sanity and insanity. (The sociopath mind vs the sound mind for instance). I believe that goes over to the next life. In other words, the demonic is dark and insane by its very nature, and influence. But all this is beyond the scope of this post. As I said, I just thought this was important to note, in relation to "The Virgin Mary" thing towards the end of the video, which is pretty negative and very frightening. I also have to say, the part in the video about the Catholic Church owning an Observatory called Lucifer is pretty strange as well. Not sure what to make of it at this time, as some have refuted it. Bottom line, religion can be pretty bizarre and outlandish; despite, for instance, some of the positive things written in the Bible, which in itself is not really religion, but an interpretation of certain spiritual things by more then a few individuals...
The fact that we have so many different religions to begin with (and all the negative things done in the name of a particular religion) in my opinion anyway, I think in itself, sort of supports that fact. And common sense itself should tell one, if there are contradictions just in the Bible itself (which there obviously are) well then, the whole book itself would have to be suspect, in the sense that it cannot ALL be the inerrant, infallible word of God, as many claim. Same thing with the different religions. 
(I mean, if you just take the Catholic Church alone, for example, its history is full of some pretty outlandish and abhorrent things all by itself). But that, again, is beyond the scope of this post. Never-the-less (and neither here nor there) but with all that being said, I think, somewhere in the middle is the truth. I mean, from what I understand (and to the best of my knowledge) the concept of Heaven and Hell (and an afterlife) for instance, didn't even originate with the Catholic Church or Christianity to begin with. And, oddly enough, I do have to say, one peculiar thing that I myself HAVE noticed, is that the matter of "religion" ironically DOES often seem to attract one thing: The Demonic! (And things seemingly related to that). Hmm? Interesting. 
I am not an atheist myself (and DEFINITELY not a Fundamentalist) but am more like something of an Agnostic. In other words, as somewhat similar to Albert Einstein (who finally came to conclusion that there has GOT TO BE some kind of Intelligent Design) I do believe there has got to be some kind of a Supreme Being; but WAY beyond what anyone can even begin to comprehend. And what exactly that is, I do not know; but it just may be somewhere (hidden) in the fabric of our own being (and character) that tells us what is morally right or wrong, for example. And somewhat self-evident, in the absolutely brilliant design of creation; and in nature itself... 

I have not done allot of research myself to validate some of the pretty compelling stuff in the above video; however, it is interesting to note, that THERE IS a very intriguing passage (in light of all this) in the New Testament, which says, that Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Egypt when he was still an infant, for a certain period of time, before returning back to Israel! Which, I mean, could even indicate that Jesus was influenced by what he saw when he was there; to include some of the ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. (When you really think about it, I guess). And maybe, even incorporated some of that in his own teachings. (Because there definitely seems to be some similarities there). I don't know. But, one way or the other, there are allot of like, universal similarities in many of the spiritual beliefs to begin with...

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