Sunday, July 25, 2021

FBI Instigated Kidnapping Plot Of Michigan Governor

Whew. Yea, the FBI has become notorious for this kind of sh*t. (Among other things). Funny that this revelation has finally come out, because (to be perfectly honest) my bullshit meter went off (big time) when I first heard about this story, to begin with. (And yea, entrapment IS a crime! You're supposed to get the REAL bad guys. Not invent crimes that don't exist! Duh. But, once again, everything is relative). Yet, with all that said, even though I know the FBI has allot of serious (and pretty scary) head cases in its midst, I still don't believe EVERYONE within the Department is bad news. Since 9/11 (and the 2001 anthrax attacks) especially, it HAS unfortunately become an increasingly, and almost purposefully, dysfunctional government agency, I know; but is still a necessary law enforcement agency, in my opinion, anyway. (Although, if they don't get their act together soon, that may also change). Its just got to be cleaned up. BIG TIME!!! O.M.G. (It just seems to never end with these guys. I don't freakin' get it? Holy sh*t!) No further comment. Damn...
And that's why, you (understandably) get comments like this from people on YouTube. 
Its a no-brainer. This is also, sorta' like related to the July 3rd & 12th, 2021 blog posts...
"The “war on terror” tactics now coming home…just like people warned it would back in the day." -Scarlet Spider "False flags is the deep state's FAVORITE thing." -SeaRose

One last thing, there is a VERY interesting (and revealing) must read book (if you are interested, from honest motives, about some of the intrinsic problems within our U.S. law enforcement) written by an excellent investigative journalist by the name of Peter Lance called: 1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI - The Untold Story.

A sad expose' (and warning) of a nation in (potential) decline. (I have said it before, and I will say it again, and somewhat similar in relation to what had happened in Yugoslavia is that: 
The U.S. has ALL the warning signs!) And yea, although I may not agree with EVERYTHING that Chris Hedges says, among the things that I do agree with, is that if the dollar IS dropped as the world's reserve currency (as the U.S. behaves, and becomes increasingly more and more like a giant Banana Republic) it's pretty much over...
"Trouble is, these lunatics won't go down without a fight and will want to take everyone else with them." -Mickey Mouse (YouTube Viewer)
"So afghanistan ended another empire, no wonder they call it the graveyard of empires." 
-keeping up (YouTube Viewer)

Monday, July 12, 2021

UNBELIEVABLE! Bank Closes Credit Accounts, Destroying Customers' Credit...

"This is what collapse looks like. Just the beginning." -Mickey Mouse (YouTube Viewer)              Let's hope not...


More depressing sh*t. (The Republicans are DEFINITELY no better). Small wonder we have many of the problems we have. Jesus. We definitely need a third (alternative) major political party (or party's) that has sh*t like this BANNED! Seems like the American people are (unfortunately) mostly asleep when it comes to things like this though. (Neither here nor there, but I was on to Pelosi a long time ago, I knew she was corrupt). Sad...
"It's totally insane that politicians are allowed to own stock in companies they're responsible for regulating." -RedVermont (YouTube Viewer) Ya' think? Duh!!!
"Meanwhile she and her husband walk free while Martha Stewart went to prison. Rules for thee but not for me." -Dead Snake (YouTube Viewer) Yea, Martha Stewart was a threat to national security! (Being sarcastic, of course). O.M.G. No further comment...

Case in Point... Yea, this was like, a short time before the 2020 presidential election. 
Need I say more? Everything is relative...

Some REALLY interesting YouTube viewer comments here...
"If you are banking w the human trash running Wells Fargo you deserve this." -Yu Ube 
"They already got busted for laundering drug cartel money." -jjthefed 
Whew. Yea, no further comment...

"I used to know a lot of WF people... still a very toxic culture, nothing has changed.  They even have moronic scripting designed to deflect from their ways if you ask questions as a mortgage borrower.  It's hilarious." -07wrxtr1 (YouTube Viewer)

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Case Against Julian Assange FALLS APART!

Whew. (The Dark Side of our Government). Incredible sh*t, if true. No further comment...

"The American people are supposed to be loyal to the principles on which our freedom stands. We are to be loyal to the principles of our democracy, not to our government, no matter what the government is doing. It is the most patriotic American thing to always be on guard, and vigilantly so, against over-reach by the U.S. government, and nothing is more of an over-reach then official secretiveness that is unnecessary, except to protect its own malfeasance." 
VERY well said. In fact, an American citizen (according to our very own constitution) has a responsibility to expose such things. (Especially, if that government actually commits crimes against humanity, and its own people). Because, ironically, it is against the principles on which the very foundation of our democracy stands; and our country, and its people, suffer accordingly. And we become no different then the countries that we say we despise, for those very same reasons, and come that much closer to implosion, and decline, as a society...
And prosecuting an innocent man (for legally exposing war crimes, for instance) DEFINITELY falls under that category. Ironically, that's what countries like North Korea do! We should NEVER go down that path, or we are finished as a free (and just) society...

Yea, what the hell happened to Keith Olbermann? Damn. (He used to be like, an excellent political commentator on MSNBC, and as they discuss here, sorta' like paved the way for allot of these other guys on the left. In fact, Chris Hayes, who now has his own segment on the Network, used to actually appear as a guest on Olbermann's show!) People CAN BE so weird, man. I've seen this time and time again. It (often) seems like nobody quite gets it right. (Or maybe, they really don't want to. Of course, sometimes for ulterior motives, but I don't believe that is actually the case here. Or maybe it is. Not sure at this time, but either way, it still makes for interesting watching, and something one can still learn from I guess; depending on how much of an open mind one has to begin with, regarding the truth and actual fact of a matter). Still, these things never cease to amaze me. (Which is why I just about NEVER put my faith in people to begin with). I'm sorry, but I'm different man. (And mostly why my trust bar is so high. I've also seen allot in my life, and enough to analyze and know the difference). Just sayin'...

Now, here is someone who SHOULD HAVE BEEN charged for crimes against the country! 
You see where I am going with this? Everything is relative, and a big reason why our country seems to have all the warning signs. "Unknown knowns"?!!! Give me a break. Are you kiddin' me?! (Its like something that is hidden right in plain sight. And he is like telling everyone what is really goin' on. Its an "unknown, known"! You have to be deaf, dumb, blind, or dishonest, not to get that one). In fact, I knew exactly what this guy meant. (But that's me). And they knew, I knew, what these sociopaths meant. Rumsfeld was not only a war criminal, but a traitor, and (along with others within the Bush Administration, the Intelligence Community, and within our own government: to include the Military Industrial Complex; and even more then some within the public at large) committed treason. 'Cause he (and others) knew the truth. It was an "unknown, known"! Get it? Damn. (No pun intended). And this is why the country has all the mass shootings (and the unique problems) that it has; like a Banana Republic, on STEROIDS! Get it? (Everything is relative). And I saw all the potential problems coming, from the very beginning, when this whole charade went down. (Because, its really like the result of an engrained, systemic corruption problem. And total selfishness). Too deep...

Oh, yea. (Too deep). Whew. (Just a record of that time, and some food for thought here, for my own edification, if nothing else). "This is truly creepy..." -Joube Ryan (YouTube Viewer) 
You bet your ass it is! I definitely remember this. (Once again, I knew exactly what they meant). And I myself, definitely thought it was creepy (and scary) as all f*ck! But that was the intention. (Its all psychological, man). No further comment. Just wanted to add this (and have like, an historical record of it) in relation to the Rumsfeld video. I will never forget some of these things (from that time particularly, when I was living in Maryland) that were just chilling at best. And what they did, was as close as you can get to an abomination...

Are Angels Real or Our Imagination?

WAY too good to pass up and not save somewhere. To be perfectly honest, I'm not too sure about a little of the astrology thing thrown in...