Sunday, July 25, 2021

FBI Instigated Kidnapping Plot Of Michigan Governor

Whew. Yea, the FBI has become notorious for this kind of sh*t. (Among other things). Funny that this revelation has finally come out, because (to be perfectly honest) my bullshit meter went off (big time) when I first heard about this story, to begin with. (And yea, entrapment IS a crime! You're supposed to get the REAL bad guys. Not invent crimes that don't exist! Duh. But, once again, everything is relative). Yet, with all that said, even though I know the FBI has allot of serious (and pretty scary) head cases in its midst, I still don't believe EVERYONE within the Department is bad news. Since 9/11 (and the 2001 anthrax attacks) especially, it HAS unfortunately become an increasingly, and almost purposefully, dysfunctional government agency, I know; but is still a necessary law enforcement agency, in my opinion, anyway. (Although, if they don't get their act together soon, that may also change). Its just got to be cleaned up. BIG TIME!!! O.M.G. (It just seems to never end with these guys. I don't freakin' get it? Holy sh*t!) No further comment. Damn...
And that's why, you (understandably) get comments like this from people on YouTube. 
Its a no-brainer. This is also, sorta' like related to the July 3rd & 12th, 2021 blog posts...
"The “war on terror” tactics now coming home…just like people warned it would back in the day." -Scarlet Spider "False flags is the deep state's FAVORITE thing." -SeaRose

One last thing, there is a VERY interesting (and revealing) must read book (if you are interested, from honest motives, about some of the intrinsic problems within our U.S. law enforcement) written by an excellent investigative journalist by the name of Peter Lance called: 1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI - The Untold Story.

A sad expose' (and warning) of a nation in (potential) decline. (I have said it before, and I will say it again, and somewhat similar in relation to what had happened in Yugoslavia is that: 
The U.S. has ALL the warning signs!) And yea, although I may not agree with EVERYTHING that Chris Hedges says, among the things that I do agree with, is that if the dollar IS dropped as the world's reserve currency (as the U.S. behaves, and becomes increasingly more and more like a giant Banana Republic) it's pretty much over...
"Trouble is, these lunatics won't go down without a fight and will want to take everyone else with them." -Mickey Mouse (YouTube Viewer)
"So afghanistan ended another empire, no wonder they call it the graveyard of empires." 
-keeping up (YouTube Viewer)

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