Some very interesting stuff here, that really makes you think, at least...
One particularly REALLY interesting thing here, that definitely caught my attention,
is when Ms. Manuchehri was asked a question in relation to "Ascended Masters" like Jesus, Buddha, etc. Here's part of that transcript discussion. And of course, it definitely seems contrary to the mainstream (and especially the Evangelical) Christian belief, in relation to Jesus, at least. But also, she mentions something equally as interesting in relation to souls in general...
Alex Ferrari 47:08
So let me ask you, what is the process for an Ascended Master, a Jesus, a Buddha, a yoga Nanda Baba Ji, these kinds of these kinds of historical characters that we have, we've known some within this last century, like Yogananda but then some more famous, the hardest man working in television, I would always say is, is Jesus, he shows up at every near death experience. Not every bit I'm joking. But like those, if it's appropriate, he shows up or, or Shiva or these kind of these, these beings. What is their? Like? What access do they have? Do they not want to come back? Or they do come back? It's just a help. What is your experience with them?
Marie Manuchehri 47:53
Well, they don't want to come back. They're so big, you know, their energy is so huge now that they don't want to reduce their vibration or their frequency or their consciousness to enter into a physical form. Because even when you and I incarnated to Earth, we didn't bring all of our soul with us, we can only bring parts that can be helpful and parts that want healing. Because we would go crazy if we brought all of our consciousness, but an incredible expansion for, for compassion is what creates Ascended Masters, and self compassion. So like you are an old soul. And I think the planet is like 50% Old Souls and 50% young souls, approximately. and younger souls are learning compassion, older souls are learning self compassion. So once you've learned compassion, so significantly like you and I, you know, if there was a hardened criminal, of course, we want them to go to jail, but we hope they're eating organic food and getting therapy and it's safe for them there. That's right. But because we're on Earth, I'm sure we're working on self compassion and ascended masters have learned how to combine their compassion for all Creation throughout the universes and to have compassion for themselves to that's what I sense their vibration and their frequency.
Obviously, there are some problems with this explanation though, when you consider someone like a Hitler for instance. But I guess, that's another matter, or explanation. Nobody knows EVERYTHING... Although, I would also defer to (another Medium) Allison Dubois' take on dark ('diseased') souls (and where they go) that I have also posted on this blog. That is basically my view...
"Free will is the strongest law in the universe." -This is another very interesting thing she said...
Disclaimer: Some of the ancient and archaic rules mentioned here in the Old Testament (The Hebrew Bible) are just that, ancient. Even though, many of the Jews still observe things such as the Sabbath and the like, just about NONE of them observe the more archaic parts of the mosaic law. Again, one has to keep in mind, most biblical scholars believe that the Torah itself, was written by many different authors, not just by Moses (if he even wrote any part of it at all). That is why you have so many contradictions, as there are more then several schools of thought, and there are more then several sources involved in the writings, with many of those writings coming from oral traditions passed on for hundreds of years, before actually being written down. Many observant Jews are not even anti-abortion (within reason). And most practicing and religious Jews have long moved ahead and progressed from some of those difficult to reconcile, hard ancient rules. (In other words, they're basically smarter then that). As I have mentioned previously, when I lived in Maryland, I would sometimes attend services at a Jewish Community Center, and none of the people there (at least the ones that I knew) were anything like the Christian Right. And this particular Community Center was considered Conservative. They were basically fun loving people. Ironically, in contrast, what the discussion here is about, are those who consider themselves to be part of the radical Christian right. They crazily believe the ENTIRE Bible is the word of God, and pretty much should be taken literally. When most Jews don't even believe that themselves! (Except maybe, with a few exceptions within the Orthodox sect of Judaism). Ironically, just like the radical Islamic extremists in relation to their interpretation of the Koran! What a crazy world we live in man. And this is why so many sensible people are just totally turned off to religion, and especially religious extremists.
Who can blame them really? Or at least, most of them...
With all that being said, I do agree with what they are saying in this video, about many of these fundamentalist, far-right Christian extremist politicians being VERY dangerous. I myself, have no doubt, that many of them don't even honestly believe in what they are saying themselves. They're really just grifters and snake-oil salesmen, with an agenda. Hence (with all due respect) their strong support (currently among most of them) for someone like Donald Trump, who lets face it, is really not even a (sincerely) religious man to begin with...
And as a side note, these beliefs (and influence) often spawns creepy, criminal, psychopaths (and violent) m/f's like Eric Rudolph for instance, as just one extreme example. So I strongly acknowledge myself (also from personal experience) that many of these guys and their (deceitful) ideology are extremely dangerous, in more ways then one...
Holy sh*t! When you look up the definition of political grifter, there's even his freakin' picture man!!! O.M.G. Ya just can't make this sh*t up. (No pun intended).
Brilliant definition though, in Bing Chat GPT. Wow. Check this out...
Okay, being that the image is really small, I copied and pasted the definition here. WAY too good to pass up. It was like divine humor or something. Just had to capture the moment...
A political grifter is a person who uses the political process to enrich themselves by tricking or swindling others. The term “grifter” originally referred to any kind of criminal who used their wits to carry out crimes, such as pickpockets, con artists, and card-sharps. In recent years, pundits have begun using the term “political grifters” to describe people who get into politics, and stay in politics, because they want to line their own pockets. These individuals have no interest in governing or passing laws, and are only in it for the money that they can collect in the form of political donations.
Former Representative Steve LaTourette (R-OH) wrote in Politico about what he called the rise of the “political grifter.” LaTourette claimed that right-wing groups like the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks, and the Tea Party Patriots were “run by men and women who have made millions by playing on the fears and anger about the dysfunction in Washington.”
It’s important to note that the term “grifter” is not a scientifically accurate measurement and is used more as a whimsical comparison.
Hmm? Dig it...
Yea, I remember coming across that somewhat strange passage in Jeremiah mentioned here. It seems to be a favorite, particularly for some of those far-right evangelical preachers (or teachers) who seem to love to quote this, as I guess, it supports their excuse for possibly being that way themselves, and hence, their teaching that we are forgiven by the blood of Jesus, so no big deal. "I really don't have to change, or make restitution for harming someone for being that way." (In other words). Nice one. It's like a cop out. The passage in question (and mentioned in the video) goes like this: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?" -Jer. 17:9. (This is basically, one particular translation). Now, of course, the problem with this (and why it's really strange) in this particular translation at least, is that it seems to apply to everyone's heart. (It's like out of context or something). Which, obviously, cannot be true. How do I know? Well, for one, I know that my heart is not "deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked"! (And therefore, there would be other's as well, which this wouldn't apply to either). Duh. Is there a specific kind of person that this would apply to? ABSOLUTELY.
Of course. (Sociopaths and Psychopaths, for one). I, and I'm sure many others, unfortunately know this for a fact as well. But yea, I always thought that was REALLY interesting (for more reasons then one) whenever I would hear a preacher on T.V. or wherever, quote that verse, as if it applies to EVERYONE. And sort of, get some kind of satisfaction in seemingly using that as an excuse. (Ya know like: "Hey, its in the Bible! We're ALL like that. We got an excuse. So therefore, we all need a savior, because we're all sinners! But we're forgiven by the blood of Jesus, so we're still saved, and still going to heaven!") At least, I would pick up on it. And I don't mean to sound self-righteous either (regarding the 'sinner' thing) but this verse is really a far cry from that. Its about a whole mind-set...
Like a deliberate choice really. Like, deliberately choosing to be evil (and 'wicked') in the true sense of the word. (And sorta' like deceiving yourself). And, we all know, many Christian preachers are often, ironically "deceitful and desperately wicked" in using Jesus (and Christianity) as a form of control, by 'deceiving' their audience to achieve a particular agenda, and to 'deceive' them into sending them money...
But anyway, it seems to me, that the basic premise of this video, is in relation to an unhealthy belief system (if you want to go the Christian route to begin with) versus a healthy, common sense, logical belief system. I agree with this guy, in what he is saying in relation to the other guy (providing his particular teaching or instruction, and his particular version of Christianity) and who just seems to be speaking gibberish really. (And kinda' makes no sense, and is REALLY confusing). And yea, I do agree, that most of this teaching and belief system, is very immature and unhinged, and can definitely be pretty dangerous and damaging. (Especially to those who are seriously listening to it). Psychologically, or otherwise...
It's just a reminder, that Christianity (or any other religion for that matter) and wise, intelligent, common sense spirituality, may not necessarily be the same thing. If it doesn't make sense, or bring you peace of mind (or causes you confusion) leave it...
Or at least, leave the group or congregation that you get a bad feeling about.
Bottom line, trust your gut. If you have one...
And yea, just one last point, that this guy surprisingly (and wisely) seemed to pick up on (that I have also thought about, and found quite interesting myself) much to his credit, is where he uses that story and example from the New Testament (around 35:14 into the video) where the Devil himself actually quotes from the (Hebrew) Bible to Jesus! But sort of like, out of context and all. And then, where Jesus (allegedly) seems to quote it back to him, seemingly in the right context! EXACTLY my point. Brilliant...
Yea, that's why there's a HUGE difference between (man-made) Religion (as there are so many to begin with) and just the simple belief (and acknowledgement) in something that is just beyond our comprehension to understand. Which leads to the next video. But, of course, then the obvious question would then follow, as to how exactly would you therefore address that being? Excellent question! I guess, however you like, but I guess you just better be sure you don't address something that might be malevolent instead of benevolent. I guess, that's sorta' like the premise of the previous video. (And I get it). All I can say, is that in the ancient Hebrew book of Genesis, it was this simple belief: They just simply called him 'El'. (Which in Hebrew means 'God'). When this being allegedly revealed himself to Moses, and then Moses (allegedly) asked him that very same question, he was supposedly given the answer: "I Am Who Am." (Or, "Yahweh"). In other words: "I Am Real".
(And "because I am real, you are real." Or, I guess, "because I exist, you exist."
Or, something like that). Whoa. So I guess, just address him as: "Adonai Elohim"
in Hebrew. Or, "Lord God" in English, I would think. It's freakin' blowin' my mind!!!
What does it all freakin' mean?!!! I don't get it. Okay, enough...
My point (and logic) here though, is that if Jesus is really God to begin with (even if you are not sure if that is really true or not) well then, you would be praying to him anyway, right? (And you're pretty much taking religion right out of the picture, while still sort of acknowledging a monotheistic God, who both religions are at least in agreement, that he sees, knows, and understands all things. And is benevolent).
Get it? Exactly...
And, as they would sometimes say in my Jiu-Jitsu class back on Long Island:
"The rest is mop-up!" So to speak. (Problem solved). Too Deep...
Oh yea, this song just came to mind. (He still speaks). Dig it...
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