Friday, August 26, 2022

Are we living in someone's mind? Why is the structure of the universe so similar to the brain?

"How beautiful would it be if countries on earth were rivals that don't invade and destroy each other...but rivals who strive to create things that make the world better." -Hillz (YouTube Viewer). Indeed. That would truly be the very definition of an advanced (and intelligent) civilization...

"I live in Arizona and my mom use to know one of these Indians from those tribes. He's a native medicine man that lived in the desert. He cured her diseases with some spiritual ritual. Literally made the wind around them go in circles when he did it. These guys have spiritual wisdom the average person can't come close to." -zLeviz (YouTube Viewer). Wow! Yea, I think I believe this...
I think a key point in this video documentary though, is the ancient drawing on the rock, that indicates two simultaneous paths. Humanity can still choose either one, I guess, is what this may mean. (And therefore, some of these dire Hopi Prophecies become more like a warning). But no doubt about it, we are living in chaotic times, and too many sociopathic leaders are at the helm; with many people living in a kind of, darkness of mind: Without any kind of (rational) understanding. And, there is still, WAY too much suffering in the world; ultimately because of these things...
I think, one would also have to possibly consider the fact, that just like in the Hebrew Bible ('Old Testament') most of the Native American prophecies are basically 'tribal' in nature. (With their own set of laws, rituals, and beliefs). And therefore, mostly relates to how it would effect them as an ancient people and race, I would assume. Never-the-less (as with the Hebrew Bible) and though maybe expressed in their own unique way, some (spiritual) truths ARE still Universal, regardless. Just sayin'...
Too Deep...


Wow. Kinda' reminds me of my Catholic School days as a kid. This is just one more video I inadvertently came across (in my Home Feed) and which I had saved to 'Watch Later' in my YouTube account, because of the title. (And just finally got around to having a look at it). Yea, Bishop Sheen was a brilliant man, from what I remember. (And a rare soul by today's standards). Although, also a very devout Catholic, and therefore biased in that regard. But man, I have to say, this teaching from his TV show (which was really popular, back in the day, from what I understand) caught me by surprise. Actually seems to be kinda' prophetic, and even somewhat timely. (As dated as it also may be). So, thought I would just include it here (with the other videos) in this blog post, as somewhat relevant. Funny, how part of his teaching here, seems to ironically describe former Pres. Trump (the religious right) and (the negative side of) our modern day Conservative Party, to a Tee! (Despite the abortion thing, which is something the Catholic Church is strictly against as well, although it also seems to lean more toward the liberal social issues regarding most everything else). Interesting. Have to see if his seeming (somewhat inadvertent) prediction related to the year 2024 comes to pass. That was another big surprise when I started to watch this. There is also a very interesting (and relevant) comment from a YouTube viewer, which I wanted to include here, because I think it is brilliant, and struck the nail right on the head, in my opinion. (Remember what I said above about some spiritual truths being Universal? Yea, this is DEFINITELY one of them). 
I believe, it is actually a quote from the book of Proverbs, and it goes like this: 
“When the wicked are in rule, the people mourn; when the righteous are in rule, the people rejoice...” -Regina Ford (YouTube Viewer). What an insightful and wise quote. Actually, timeless, when you really think about it. And (in my strong opinion anyway) something can definitely be learned from many of these things, if you ask me. 
You just have to have an open mind, to the truth of it all...

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