Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Nazi House of Shutters

Don't want to get too morbid here, but this sorta' like picks up from where the last post left off. (In relation to 'Operation Paperclip', and the like). The following YouTube viewer comments, pretty much says it all, I guess. Hard to watch, but yea, I agree that these things need to be taught about in schools and colleges, and exposed for what it is: pure evil. I mean, if this sh*t isn't demonic, then nothing is...
I first learned about some of these horrific stories through an old friend and Catholic scholar by the name of Ollie, who had a two volume set of books in his library, regarding many of the atrocities (and horrific human experiments) committed by the Nazi regime, that I happened to come across, when a certain group of friends and I would sometimes gather together at his house and hang-out. (And memories I will never forget). And it left an indelible impression on me ever since; and at a time when I was still pretty young, and still, wasn't fully aware of the depth of the great evil that lurked in the world; and which was also now a part of history, and fact. I would like to dedicate this post to a holocaust survivor (and a woman I used to work side by side with, many years ago) by the name of Greta, who was one of the nicest people I have ever met. Its always the way...
"Hopefully this memorial serves to remind us of the horrible atrocities that human beings are capable of inflicting on one another" -Jason Ahn (YouTube Viewer)
"If this isn't taught in schools or colleges, then people will not be aware of these atrocities, and history will indeed repeat itself!" -The Luth (YouTube Viewer)

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Live Broadcast from Dr. Steven Greer on False Disclosure, and his New Film...

Hmm... "As soon as the government opened the media valve, my bullshit meter went off." -Zach Byrd Adventure Hour (YouTube Viewer)

"Remember when we were called conspiracy theorists when we brought up topics like this?" - Loweni (YouTube Viewer)

Yea, from what I understand, allot of these guys were also relocated to Fort Detrick, Maryland. In fact, I can still remember noticing, that there were allot of individuals in that particular area of the state (including allot of young people) who definitely looked Aryan; even before I found out about Operation Paperclip myself. And this strange story may very well explain why...

The SECRET Occult Messages Used by P. Diddy, Billie Eilish...

Important info, and interesting. For entertainment purposes only. No pun intended... Interesting point though, that he makes, is that some o...