Thursday, August 29, 2024

Are Angels Real or Our Imagination?

WAY too good to pass up and not save somewhere. To be perfectly honest, I'm not too sure about a little of the astrology thing thrown in at the end, but yea, good stuff. Awesome podcast. I think I needed to see this, myself... 
(If it helps others, even better).
Some REALLY amazing, interesting and encouraging viewer responses here, 
as well. Wow...

"I saw an angel when I was 12. My mother threatened suicide often. At a family reunion at Lake Texoma she threatened to drown herself.  I couldn't take it anymore. I walked to an unoccupied part of the beach and cried. Suddenly I felt a presence above me. A beautiful woman hovered above me. No wings. She was surrounded by light. At first I thought she was coming to take me. I was scared. She told me, without speaking a word, not to worry. Everything would be okay. Then she was gone. Twice later, an angel (male voice) warned me of danger and I slowed down. Both times my car was totaled. I walked away. They are real. I pray often, and talk to my Angels always." -jenniferwaite3219 (Y/T Viewer).

"The morning after my infant daughter died of SIDS I was in my room praying for wisdom on how to tell my three year old daughter what had happened. I heard her come out of her room and head up the hall, pause, stop and go back to her room. Much later she told me that there was a man in the hallway that stopped her and said “your mom and dad are going to be sad for a while, but everything will be okay.” She also told me that she saw my door was slightly open and my room was glowing." -Y/T Viewer

"When I was pregnant with my eldest son. I was bleeding badly and was taken to hospital and after a scan, the nurse basically told me to go home and rest because it looked like I was miscarring. This was the second time I had bled  and this time it was pretty heavy bleeding. I went to bed and woke up after a nap. I sat on the side of my bed feeling devastated. I sensed a female presence at the right of me and I felt a hand being placed on my bump and I heard "don't worry, everything was going to be okay from now on". This wasn't a voice people could hear, but a sense that came as words. What you would expect from a spirit. The bleeding had stopped and I went on to have a healthy beautiful son. We had no issues the rest of the pregnancy." 
-Y/T Viewer

"When my brother in law was dying from leukemia, he kept asking my husband who the person was dressed all in white standing at the window. My husband saw no one, but he knew exactly what he was talking about. Before my husband died, he would tell me that he would hear Angelic singing and hear his mom’s voice in particular. His mom passed away about 5 yrs before he did." -Y/T Viewer

Saturday, May 11, 2024

BREAKING NEWS! Dr. Greer DROPS Bombshell Information! Catastrophic Disclosure!

Whoa. No further comment at this time. (Way too many implications). Have to see what happens. Personally, I wouldn't necessarily put my faith in Congress. For real full, true, and honest disclosure, its gonna' take more then that. Call it a lucky guess. Its also going to take good, bright, honest, private citizens, who really want to do the right thing. And they have become a rare species these days. Wow, looks like I've become way too cynical. But there's a reason for that. Regardless, there is one thing I do know, is that these guys (who are ultimately behind all this sh*t) ARE monsters...
Which brings me to my next point. I have to say, I AM sorta' getting that feeling of being somewhat concerned for Dr. Greer's safety. Even he may not realize how close he is getting, one way or the other. I really hope he elicits some good security, and to use common sense in relation to particularly strange people. And yes, that includes certain individuals within our government as well. If you know what I mean? No doubt about it. Especially, those who take money from defense industry contractors, and the like, and want the U.S. to be the worlds policeman. Yet, always want to cut social programs. (In fact, it should be a HUGE RED FLAG!) Because, in a way, you are sorta' like tipping them off. (I mean, if they're corrupt and all). Duh. Come on, you think those types are really going to be sincere, when they say something like: "Yea, we really got to get to the bottom of this"?! Take it from someone who also has ALLOT of experience in this regard. I don't think so. 
And right there, is a big part of the problem itself. Good luck with that one. But there is always hope I guess, one way or the other, or this country would have gone down in flames a LONG TIME AGO! (And not for want of some of these clowns trying). 'nough said. Damn...

Just needed a place for this. Love this song. So positive, beautiful, and uplifting, 
in what is all too often, such a negative, ugly, and broken world. You kinda' need a refresh after watching some of the stuff Steve Greer discusses here, anyway. Wow. 
(So I guess it works out). Helps me, anyway. Most kids get it, I think...
(Just realized, that I already had an old 3rd Party version posted on my website from some time ago, in the Entertainment section. Totally forgot about it... 
This one, is really the official music video from the actual artist's YouTube channel, which I just updated. Glad I came across it, as I noticed that the old one had some sync issues. Great track. The lyrics are really well done, as well. Top notch, all around recording, and music video, and very professionally packaged, although pretty old now. But I did recognize the potential hit quality of the song when I first heard it. And it did turn out to be a pretty big hit. I was also somewhat of a fan of Richard Marx back then, so this release totally caught me by surprise. I thought it was a really smart move by him, from a commercial standpoint, at least).

Ditto on this one. ABSOLUTELY dig the vocal harmonies here. Just awesome... 
Didn't know that this was a Broadway Musical. Or even knew the name of the original movie. Amazing production...

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Is Predestination True and What IS Free Will? - Rabbi Tovia Singer - 1777

For informational purposes only. Couldn't resist saving this somewhere... 
Despite what I believe are some of the (pretty obvious) problems with both Christianity, and Judaism (I mean, I don't believe Jesus ascended into heaven in front of 400 onlookers, for example, any more then I believe that the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire!) there is never-the-less some pretty powerful (and brilliantly insightful) teachings here. The Rabbi DEFINITELY seems to know his stuff, and sheds ALLOT of light on the actual meaning of some pretty significant parts of the Tanach (the Hebrew Bible) that I myself find to be really interesting...
One other thing (that I haven't heard the Rabbi touch upon yet though) is that one has to remember, in relation to much of the theology of Christianity, is that the Apostle Paul was really a murderer. He initially started out murdering Christians! 
So therefore, I would imagine, that is probably much of the reason why he emphasized so much the saved by faith (not by works) in Jesus thing. (He was like on a personal guilt trip). Just my own two cents here. Although, in all fairness, I do think the 'works' thing he is referring to is mostly in relation to the strict observance of the mosaic law. (And all the interpretive and legalistic rules many of the Rabbis would add on top of that). Which, also for obvious reasons, many contemporary Jews themselves do not believe is really feasible (in its entirety) in these modern times. But ironically, most likely, at least much of the reason for the popularity (and the early growth) of Christianity to begin with; while still being able to believe in a monotheistic God. (Ya know, like the "one good scam deserves another" type thing?) Hence, why we now have modern Reform Judaism, and the Noahide movement. Either way (once again) one has to just understand, that religion IS NOT God! (In my strong opinion anyway). Or else, WE WOULDN'T HAVE SO MANY!!! Duh...
I do have to say though (and as an appropriate ending to this particular commentary) that I can still remember coming across this VERY interesting and beautiful (yet somewhat difficult to understand) passage (and prophecy) in the Book of Daniel to be absolutely fascinating; not least of all, for the importance that the greatest of the Hebrew prophets seemed to put on wisdom and social justice... 
"Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; Some shall live forever, others shall be an everlasting horror and disgrace. (i.e. the terrorist organization Hamas?) But the wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, And those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever."   
-Dn. 12: 2-3.

One last thing (and which goes to my comment that religion is not God) is the fact that the Moon is precisely the same distance from the Sun and Earth to be able to cause a total solar eclipse in the first place, very well may indicate that something beyond our human understanding and comprehension put this all here to begin with, and also seems to make our planet totally unique in the Universe. It very well, may be like some kind of sign in itself, and even somewhat like some kind of  cosmic (supernatural?) fingerprint, if you will. And one of the reasons why so many of the ancients may have regarded it with such amazement, fascination, and lore... 
And maybe, just maybe, the re-emergence of the nation of Israel (by itself) is some kind of similar type of sign, I don't know. But also may explain, much of the (negative) opposition to it...

"Two things you may have forgotten to mention and I feel is relevant is 1) Cyrus the great--a practicing Persian Zoroastrian--liberated the jews from Babylon and is considered a genuine MESSIAH in the Hebrew Bible and Christian old testament. 
2) The 3 Magi that visited the infant Jesus were Zoroastrian. Magi is the formal name used for practicing Zoroastrian priests and the term is still used in parts of Iran." 
-Y/T Viewer
Interestingly, the official Catholic Bible had also at one time translated the word Magi as Astrologers! i.e. "Astrologers from the east." I always thought that was kind of interesting, anyway. For more reasons then one. Another interesting translation, is of course, "wise men". i.e. "Wise men from the east." Could be that the word also has dual meanings in the original language the gospels were written in. Personally, I think Jesus may have been some kind of archetype, I don't know. Because, there are just too many profound sayings and the like, in contrast to allot of contradictions. Ultimately, whoever wrote the gospels were pretty brilliant, one way or the other. 
(As the Gospels are a brilliant work of literature, if nothing else. Almost like some kind of esoteric fantasy work, designed to capture the readers attention and imagination. And quite possibly written to further some kind of objective, or agenda). I mean, they obviously weren't illiterate, because they knew how to read and write. Which only a small percentage of the population knew how to do in those days...
But anyway, as one can see in this video, there are allot of similarities between Zoroastrianism and Christianity. It even seems that some elements of this religion eventually made its way into the Islamic faith itself...
Interestingly again, within the religion of Islam, Jesus is revered second only to Mohammed. And even more interestingly (and something that sorta blew my mind when I first discovered it) Mary, the Mother of Jesus is the 3rd most revered figure in Islam! Believe it or not. And speaking of believe it or not, several very significant locations of supposed apparitions of Mary, and greatly revered by many of the Catholic faithful, are Fatima and Lourdes. Which are also, VERY common names within the Muslim community! I don't get it myself, but there you have it. (Just sayin'). Go figure...

Friday, January 19, 2024

Man dies, reveals GOD is NOT WHAT RELIGION teaches !

Just goes to show, that much of the Bible is not to be taken literally, but has many myths, legends and influences rooted in the ancient Middle East, as well as, the Mesopotamian and Semitic world from whence it came. And the purpose of its writings, seems to have been, to establish Jewish genealogy and its own unique religion, upon which its society (or Kingdom) was eventually built; founded on the belief in a monotheistic deity. Hence, the term that came to be known as "the people of the book." That's one of the main things that set the Jewish people apart from most of the other cultures (and religions) of its day, is that they eventually wrote everything down, and transcribed it from generation to generation. And that's why we still have the Bible to this day. And that's also why, many of its writings seem strange (and sometimes even contradictory) and are not to be taken literally (if you have any common sense) as it is basically coming from an ancient (and nomadic) world to begin with. (Although, in all fairness, most of the writings of King's David and Solomon for instance, seem to be much more positive and Universal, about their particular belief in the nature of the Jewish God, apart from the Mosaic Law. Which is probably, at least in part, the reason Christianity, with all its own contradictions, became such a widespread, universal religion. But also, ironically, by its very nature, a religion that has often been hijacked and used by grifters, crazy people, and those with their own selfish agenda). Case in point...

"I read the entirety of the Pentateuch recently out of academic curiosity and more than once found myself thinking, "Wait, what? You just told me that / you repeated that three times now / that directly contradicts last chapter. If it were written by a single author, they were clearly in the late stages of severe cognitive decline." 
-YouTube Viewer

"I always thought of the bible as just a book of rules, but now I see that it is much more a collection of understanding a culture." -YouTube Viewer

Sunday, January 14, 2024

How Corruption and Greed Led to the Downfall of Rock Music

Yea, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 signed into law by President Bill Clinton, was a disaster of a bill in more ways then one, that DEFINITELY had a negative effect on more then just the (traditional) music industry. We are still seeing the evolving of its implications (and influence) to this day, especially within much of American Journalism, politics, the Main Stream Media, and how we get our news...

"This corruption has gotten into and ruined everything. Music, journalism, politics, education, science, medicine ... well ... everything." -YouTube Viewer

"Completely agree with you. Telecommunications Act of 1996 was and is a big mess for musicians, and the general public at large. I remember a stat something like within a year after that took effect, there were 6000 less owners of radio stations on the west coast alone. We end up getting news given to us from 3 companies these days and we live with it. We as the public own the airwaves yet we allow these companies to get rich by selling off everything that we own." -YouTube Viewer

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Don’t Watch this Powerful Program if You Plan to Remain a Christian? –Rabbi Tovia Singer

I like this guy. Brilliant Rabbi, who is not only very knowledgeable, but also seems to be pretty sensible, down to earth (no pun intended) and wise. Okay, he sometimes can be a little crazy, but that's besides the point. Shh...

"The people who plan to remain Christian are the one's who IMO should be watching this. I spent 3 decades in Christianity and (yes it's my own fault for not questioning MORE than I did) had I had this mans teaching available I wouldn't have stayed as long! Christians are many if not most times just told what a certain passage means by a preacher (who we trusted to know what he was talking about) to teach us. Imagine my shock 6 years ago when my questions got to be too many for most pastors. I left Christianity. Found Judaism! I'm not Jewish I am a Noahide. I cannot say this enough time's. I worship Hashem and Hashem ONLY! I would gladly lay down in the dust and take death before I returned to idolatry! Thank you rabbi. A more knowledgeable instructor we couldn't ask for. Bless you." -YouTube Viewer.
(Oskar Schindler was also given this honorable distinction).

Very (obviously) controversial. But wow, I just did not know this stuff. Really makes ya' think, because it does seem to be based on sound and provable facts. Whew. 
I mean, it was the Christians who took and added the Hebrew Bible to their cannon and made it their own. So really, the burden of proof IS on Christianity itself, and those in Christianity who interpret things in the Hebrew Bible, particularly in relation to Jesus himself, upon whom the religion is based. Definitely for people (especially honest Christians) who REALLY want to know the truth. But I can also understand, that what some of what the Rabbi says would be considered offensive to some, who do consider themselves Christian loyalists to begin with. One has to also understand, that allot of what the Rabbi says also goes to the heart of why the Jewish people have been persecuted and ostracized down thru the centuries, not only by Islamic extremists, but (even before them) by Christianity and Christians themselves! I get it. If for no other reason, I get it. It seems to me, that it is like, their time to (rightfully) have their say. And especially, now that they finally have their homeland back, which WAS prophesized by the ancient Hebrew prophets themselves, and in their bible! Regardless of what one thinks. It is a fact. No getting around it. (Its right there!) 
And this is just one perspective (and facet) of Judaism, and the Jewish faith. 
Good stuff. You got to at least know who you're worshipping, man. It's so true.
Makes sense to me anyway. No further comment. But case in point... 
With all this being said, I have to say, I still freakin' love Christmas man! Which really of course, originated as a pagan holiday, but which has also developed (over the centuries) to become like this beautiful holiday of hope, peace (memories) and light. And which, interestingly enough, coincides with the Jewish holiday of Hanukah. Or, as it is also known: "The Festival of Lights"! Could there be a deeper meaning here? (Coincidence?) I don't know, but on with the next video...

"I'm a big fan of Aron Ra. He was one of the people who got me thinking about the other side of the argument after being indoctrinated from a young age. Because of this, I'm very appreciative of what he, yourself, and those like you bring to the table in terms of helping people break the mental chains religion places on them. Great episode and I love your podcast!" -YouTube Viewer

Ya know, ironically, listening to this (and the following) podcast (which are really good by the way, and very informative) something came to mind, in relation to all the different religions (and some of the negative and bizarre things in those religions that sort of contradict some of the positive things) it's that quote in the New Testament of the Christian Bible where it mentions: "The god of this world." (Small 'g'). Could that possibly be the answer as to the origin of religions? In a way? What came to mind for instance, was that scene in the first Exorcist movie, where Father Meron says to his partner in relation to the demon inside of Reagan something to the effect: "Do not engage it in conversation. It will try to confuse you with lies mixed with half truths." Exactly, man. That's basically religion in a nutshell! No? So then, where does religion (with all the wars, persecutions, and the like) therefore really come from? Is it really God, or "the god of this world"? (Or, maybe both?) In other words, ultimately, the demonic? Or, something that sorta' like embodies this? Ya know, the 'god of this world' being 'Satan' for example? (Interestingly enough, the Satanists ironically believe that). Because, once again, I cannot stress this enough, where then did this world and the incredible complexity of life come from? (Not to even mention the universe?) In my opinion, something beyond religion. Something greater then religion. And that is not to say, that I don't necessarily believe in evolution either; In some way, shape, or form. I'm just not going to go there. One of the things that tipped me off (among many other things) that religion was all f**ked up, was many years ago, when I learned, that in the Quran? for example, Mohammed ascended into heaven, just like Jesus! So, in this sense, I strongly believe (and the facts seem to prove me out on this) that it is not necessarily wrong to therefore cherry pick those things in the bible for instance, that are positive and uplifting vs those things that are just the opposite. And one of the other things about this discussion (and with the following podcast, and others like them) is that it leaves out the possibility of the spiritual, which of course, would therefore go to my point about there being an ultimate creator, if you will. And whatever else that entails. (As that creator would be in the spiritual realm). Because, once again, whatever had or has a beginning, had to ultimately come from something that had no beginning. (In my opinion, anyway). Like anything else, you just have to use common sense. (And recognize the signs). And also understand, once again, that Man (generally speaking) is basically a flawed and fallen creature. (Hence, the ultimate problem with one religion vs another religion vs the truth). No further comment. Too deep...

Just an alternate view here. (That's why one of the labels to this blog post is 'Critical Thinking'). Yea (as I stated previously) I don't believe the ENTIRE Bible (and that definitely includes the Christian New Testament, as well as the Hebrew Bible) is the infallible word of God either, that's crazy...
Case in point: "While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was discovered gathering wood on the sabbath day. Those who caught him at it brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly. But they kept him in custody, because there was no clear decision as to what should be done with him. Then the Lord said to Moses, 'This man shall be put to death; let the whole community stone him outside the camp.' So the whole community led him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the Lord had commanded Moses." -Numbers 15: 32-36. 
Compare that with just several compassionate justice related passages such as: "Thou shall not murder" and "Thou shall not bear false witness" -Exodus 20: 13, 16. Which is like in direct contradiction (particularly the 'thou shall not murder' part) to God?! supposedly telling Moses to put to death the person who was (seemingly) not observing the Sabbath! Just one of the many reasons why the entire Bible cannot be the infallible, divinely inspired word of God. Duh. Therefore, you're a fool if you believe otherwise, or self-deceived. Or both. In fact, it should be a no-brainer... 
That's crazy sh*t. To say the least. See why allot of (sensible) people hate religion? Damn. I get it. It's (obviously) the result of many different authors and sources to begin with. (Often within the same section of the bible!) No further comment...

Hmm? Interesting stuff. Yea, from what I understand, the Book of Enoch was considered to be a pretty popular and influential writing around the time of early Christianity and the writings of The New Testament itself...

Yea, now here's an interesting twist I just came across. (Higher guidance? I don't know). It's funny, I'm a very sensible person by nature, but I have to say, I do believe this stuff is real myself, in some way. Especially, having lived in the area of Maryland where the Feds had traced the 2001 anthrax attacks. I DEFINITELY was being targeted by this VERY strange coincidence, and it definitely made me wonder why, to say the least. Also, currently living in the Asheville area of Western North Carolina (that is sorta' like part of  that same Appalachia demographics) and where there is also allot of mental illness and toxic people (if I can be frank). I can sometimes feel it (and it IS even pretty well known and acknowledged, and often even pretty obvious) with that same negative targeting. Some people are more sensitive to these kind of things then others, and I definitely believe the demonic picks up on this in some way. But yea, there is definitely a link between mental illness (as well as serious criminal related activity) and demonic activity. In my opinion anyway. (Hence, the similarities with the medical diagnosis of mental diseases like Schizophrenia in many cases). Like I said, you can even feel it. (Or I can feel it, and recognize it). Part of it, could also be due to some of my background from some time ago, when a musician friend (who had become a Catholic convert) had invited me to play with him at a Catholic Charismatic Prayer group at one time in my life. (And because of some of the things I have gone thru, I HAVE unwillingly, become something of an expert myself in some ways, and it even caused me to be somewhat of a student of psychology). But anyway, yea (I at least agree) the fact that they actually sell Ouija Boards in the children's section of Walmart now! Is not good. I don't believe you can become demon possessed if you have any kind of empathy and compassion though. (And have a sound mind). The demonic hates this. However, dabbling with a Ouija Board is DEFINITELY a no no. There are ALLOT of pretty credible stories of people who have done this, and regretted it. (And then even became the subject of an Exorcism themselves!) In fact, in the Exorcist movie itself (which is based on a true story) that's how Reagan became possessed. And there are other very similar stories such as this as well. Also, many psychopaths, sociopaths, and serial killers have a tendency to often become involved in this kind of thing. I also believe the terrorist group Hamas DEFINITELY fits the bill, and is deeply influenced by the demonic, whether they acknowledge it or not...

I saw my brother become possessed after using a Ouija board. I was 10 yrs old in 1964. My brother was 14. One day in 1964 I had heard a commotion going on upstairs in my brother's room. I ran up to see what was happening. I found my father trying to restrain my brother, who was clawing at his arms and chest yelling "GET IT OUT OF ME!". My father managed to sit him down on a chair and call paramedics. As I looked at my brother, he was in a trance like state, just staring off into space..
While waiting for the paramedics; my father had tried to lift him off the chair without success. When the paramedics came, all 3 of these grown men plus my father couldn't lift him off the chair. They ended up carrying him down the stairs, still seated in the chair. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia, which he did indeed develop. He passed away naturally at age 56. As an adult woman, I initiated a discussion with my parents about what I had seen, and what I had believed had actually happened to my brother. My mother didn't really have a reaction. -  but my father thought very deeply about it. And then he told me: "no wonder I saw his face changing in the ambulance ". -YouTube Viewer
Which brings us to the next (case in point) video I just inadvertently came across...

Yea, sorta' like the same thing here. As I stated above, even though I am a sensible person by nature, this girl (and her story) does seem to be pretty credible to me, I have to say. And regarding her story (if true) yea, she definitely seems to have the gift of discernment. And I definitely recognize (and can relate to) that part in her story regarding this. And it sorta' goes to the counterfeit thing by the demonic that the alleged expert in the above video discusses in relation to someone who is genuinely possessed, knowing things about someone, as one of the signs of true demonic possession. It is sorta' very similar with someone who genuinely has the spiritual gift of discernment. But in a somewhat different way. Sorta' similar with the praying in tongues thing (which I was never into, and which I have to be honest, when I was involved with the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement as a kid, I was always kind of turned off by it) as being very similar to someone who is genuinely (fully) demon possessed knows how to speak other languages they wouldn't otherwise know. It is all counterfeit. But because it is spiritually based, there are those similarities, but a person's countenance will always give them away, one way or the other. I noticed this particularly when I was living in Maryland. Even though there were allot of unusual kind of churches in the area where I was living, there was also allot of the dark side of the occult there. It was this weird kind of crazy mis-match. (And even allot of those strange kind of legends, like which the Blair Witch movie was based). Hence, the utter bizarreness of the anthrax attacks. Hence, even the thing with Hamas using the religion of Islam as part of their M.O. As James Van Praagh said (in another blog post) "anything 'extreme' is bad" to begin with. I feel its the same with Christianity. I have to say though, this girl kinda' reminds me of me, when I was involved in the Charismatic thing. I was once very scrupulous too. In fact, I was one of those rare individuals: I was actually sincere!!! I have always believed myself (and it's even indicated in some parts of the Hebrew bible) God looks at the heart, and I believe quite often, that's why he dumps on some people (like this girl) a type of enablement, like the gift of discernment for instance. And I say 'dump' for a reason, because it can really catch you by surprise, and even sometimes be quite scary...
Enough said. Too deep...

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Deficit Myth: The Biggest Lie In Politics | 1Dime

Yea, much to my shock, I began to observe some of these same, seemingly disturbing trends and elements on X (formally known as Twitter) now that Elon Musk has taken over the site. For instance, right after the terrorist organization Hamas had brutally murdered hundreds of Israelis on Oct. 7th, I started to notice some VERY unsettling hashtag trends on the site such as: #Israel/Nazism and the like, and numerous other antisemitic comments and posts that were quite alarming, to say the least. Some were from idiots on the left, but then I started to realize that I had never noticed that much antisemitism on Twitter before. EVER! Which led me to believe, that there very well may have been something more to it, and that it  was much more subtle at its roots. As we all know, the site has become much more right-leaning (although in all fairness, much more free-speech oriented) since the Musk takeover. In other words, there very well may have been more to it then just what meets the eye. (When you really think it through). Just sayin'...

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.” 
-Sinclair Lewis (YouTube Viewer).

For whatever its worth, I can't help but disagree with the narrator's lumping in Oral Roberts with the other Televangelists in this video. In all fairness, Roberts (to the best of my knowledge) NEVER (at least not directly) aligned himself with the Christian Right. In that respect, he was one of the only Christian Evangelists like this. The same with Joel Osteen. In fact, Oral Roberts and Joel Osteen, whether you personally agree with their particular teachings (or like them) or not, are probably responsible for giving more people hope, and preventing suicides, then all the other Televangelists combined... 
(Except, in the end, when Oral's son Richard started sending out these seemingly bizarre letters, stating something to the effect, that if you didn't send them more money, his father was going to die! Which seemed to eventually do in the ministry). Just sayin'...

David Pakman's take on a possible explanation as to how Hamas penetrated Israel's Iron Dome in the brutal terrorist attacks on Oct. 7th. VERY interesting. Link here...

Are Angels Real or Our Imagination?

WAY too good to pass up and not save somewhere. To be perfectly honest, I'm not too sure about a little of the astrology thing thrown in...