Thursday, August 29, 2024

Are Angels Real or Our Imagination?

WAY too good to pass up and not save somewhere. To be perfectly honest, I'm not too sure about a little of the astrology thing thrown in at the end, but yea, good stuff. Awesome podcast. I think I needed to see this, myself... 
(If it helps others, even better).
Some REALLY amazing, interesting and encouraging viewer responses here, 
as well. Wow...

"I saw an angel when I was 12. My mother threatened suicide often. At a family reunion at Lake Texoma she threatened to drown herself.  I couldn't take it anymore. I walked to an unoccupied part of the beach and cried. Suddenly I felt a presence above me. A beautiful woman hovered above me. No wings. She was surrounded by light. At first I thought she was coming to take me. I was scared. She told me, without speaking a word, not to worry. Everything would be okay. Then she was gone. Twice later, an angel (male voice) warned me of danger and I slowed down. Both times my car was totaled. I walked away. They are real. I pray often, and talk to my Angels always." -jenniferwaite3219 (Y/T Viewer).

"The morning after my infant daughter died of SIDS I was in my room praying for wisdom on how to tell my three year old daughter what had happened. I heard her come out of her room and head up the hall, pause, stop and go back to her room. Much later she told me that there was a man in the hallway that stopped her and said “your mom and dad are going to be sad for a while, but everything will be okay.” She also told me that she saw my door was slightly open and my room was glowing." -Y/T Viewer

"When I was pregnant with my eldest son. I was bleeding badly and was taken to hospital and after a scan, the nurse basically told me to go home and rest because it looked like I was miscarring. This was the second time I had bled  and this time it was pretty heavy bleeding. I went to bed and woke up after a nap. I sat on the side of my bed feeling devastated. I sensed a female presence at the right of me and I felt a hand being placed on my bump and I heard "don't worry, everything was going to be okay from now on". This wasn't a voice people could hear, but a sense that came as words. What you would expect from a spirit. The bleeding had stopped and I went on to have a healthy beautiful son. We had no issues the rest of the pregnancy." 
-Y/T Viewer

"When my brother in law was dying from leukemia, he kept asking my husband who the person was dressed all in white standing at the window. My husband saw no one, but he knew exactly what he was talking about. Before my husband died, he would tell me that he would hear Angelic singing and hear his mom’s voice in particular. His mom passed away about 5 yrs before he did." -Y/T Viewer

Are Angels Real or Our Imagination?

WAY too good to pass up and not save somewhere. To be perfectly honest, I'm not too sure about a little of the astrology thing thrown in...