Sunday, April 14, 2024

Is Predestination True and What IS Free Will? - Rabbi Tovia Singer - 1777

For informational purposes only. Couldn't resist saving this somewhere... 
Despite what I believe are some of the (pretty obvious) problems with both Christianity, and Judaism (I mean, I don't believe Jesus ascended into heaven in front of 400 onlookers, for example, any more then I believe that the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire!) there is never-the-less some pretty powerful (and brilliantly insightful) teachings here. The Rabbi DEFINITELY seems to know his stuff, and sheds ALLOT of light on the actual meaning of some pretty significant parts of the Tanach (the Hebrew Bible) that I myself find to be really interesting...
One other thing (that I haven't heard the Rabbi touch upon yet though) is that one has to remember, in relation to much of the theology of Christianity, is that the Apostle Paul was really a murderer. He initially started out murdering Christians! 
So therefore, I would imagine, that is probably much of the reason why he emphasized so much the saved by faith (not by works) in Jesus thing. (He was like on a personal guilt trip). Just my own two cents here. Although, in all fairness, I do think the 'works' thing he is referring to is mostly in relation to the strict observance of the mosaic law. (And all the interpretive and legalistic rules many of the Rabbis would add on top of that). Which, also for obvious reasons, many contemporary Jews themselves do not believe is really feasible (in its entirety) in these modern times. But ironically, most likely, at least much of the reason for the popularity (and the early growth) of Christianity to begin with; while still being able to believe in a monotheistic God. (Ya know, like the "one good scam deserves another" type thing?) Hence, why we now have modern Reform Judaism, and the Noahide movement. Either way (once again) one has to just understand, that religion IS NOT God! (In my strong opinion anyway). Or else, WE WOULDN'T HAVE SO MANY!!! Duh...
I do have to say though (and as an appropriate ending to this particular commentary) that I can still remember coming across this VERY interesting and beautiful (yet somewhat difficult to understand) passage (and prophecy) in the Book of Daniel to be absolutely fascinating; not least of all, for the importance that the greatest of the Hebrew prophets seemed to put on wisdom and social justice... 
"Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; Some shall live forever, others shall be an everlasting horror and disgrace. (i.e. the terrorist organization Hamas?) But the wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, And those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever."   
-Dn. 12: 2-3.

One last thing (and which goes to my comment that religion is not God) is the fact that the Moon is precisely the same distance from the Sun and Earth to be able to cause a total solar eclipse in the first place, very well may indicate that something beyond our human understanding and comprehension put this all here to begin with, and also seems to make our planet totally unique in the Universe. It very well, may be like some kind of sign in itself, and even somewhat like some kind of  cosmic (supernatural?) fingerprint, if you will. And one of the reasons why so many of the ancients may have regarded it with such amazement, fascination, and lore... 
And maybe, just maybe, the re-emergence of the nation of Israel (by itself) is some kind of similar type of sign, I don't know. But also may explain, much of the (negative) opposition to it...

"Two things you may have forgotten to mention and I feel is relevant is 1) Cyrus the great--a practicing Persian Zoroastrian--liberated the jews from Babylon and is considered a genuine MESSIAH in the Hebrew Bible and Christian old testament. 
2) The 3 Magi that visited the infant Jesus were Zoroastrian. Magi is the formal name used for practicing Zoroastrian priests and the term is still used in parts of Iran." 
-Y/T Viewer
Interestingly, the official Catholic Bible had also at one time translated the word Magi as Astrologers! i.e. "Astrologers from the east." I always thought that was kind of interesting, anyway. For more reasons then one. Another interesting translation, is of course, "wise men". i.e. "Wise men from the east." Could be that the word also has dual meanings in the original language the gospels were written in. Personally, I think Jesus may have been some kind of archetype, I don't know. Because, there are just too many profound sayings and the like, in contrast to allot of contradictions. Ultimately, whoever wrote the gospels were pretty brilliant, one way or the other. 
(As the Gospels are a brilliant work of literature, if nothing else. Almost like some kind of esoteric fantasy work, designed to capture the readers attention and imagination. And quite possibly written to further some kind of objective, or agenda). I mean, they obviously weren't illiterate, because they knew how to read and write. Which only a small percentage of the population knew how to do in those days...
But anyway, as one can see in this video, there are allot of similarities between Zoroastrianism and Christianity. It even seems that some elements of this religion eventually made its way into the Islamic faith itself...
Interestingly again, within the religion of Islam, Jesus is revered second only to Mohammed. And even more interestingly (and something that sorta blew my mind when I first discovered it) Mary, the Mother of Jesus is the 3rd most revered figure in Islam! Believe it or not. And speaking of believe it or not, several very significant locations of supposed apparitions of Mary, and greatly revered by many of the Catholic faithful, are Fatima and Lourdes. Which are also, VERY common names within the Muslim community! I don't get it myself, but there you have it. (Just sayin'). Go figure...

The SECRET Occult Messages Used by P. Diddy, Billie Eilish...

Important info, and interesting. For entertainment purposes only. No pun intended... Interesting point though, that he makes, is that some o...