Yea, there is so much to this, and once again, may at least partially explain why there are so many discrepancies in the Bible, particularly the New Testament...
For example, here is just one of a host of confusing discrepancies, as it relates to why most rabbinical scholars down through the ages do not accept Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. Most Christian evangelists for instance, site a passage from the book of Isaiah, as being fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ, as being not only the Messiah, but God himself! Here are the two passages in question (which I mentioned) that seem to disagree with each other. As stated before, the first passage is from the Hebrew scriptures itself, in the book of the Prophet Isaiah, and it goes like this: "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Is. 9:6). Now, here is where the discrepancy comes into play; for in the New Testament we read Jesus allegedly saying: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household.” -Matthew 10:34-36. Bizarre, huh? I am not saying that Jesus is not, or is, the Messiah. I really don't know. (At least, not at this moment in time). And that is really not my point. (To prove that Jesus is not, or is the Messiah). But IT IS an interesting contradiction, none the less. I also have to say, that I do get a little nervous, when I hear some rabbinical teachers say that they are still waiting for the Messiah to come! (Knowing human nature the way I do). For, in my strong opinion, anyone who comes along and says they are the Messiah, would most likely be some kind of fraud. (Call it a lucky guess). However, there are other Rabbinical teachers, from what I understand, who say that the reign of the Messiah, will be more in relation to some kind of change, or world transformation. (A 'Messianic Age', if you will). Either way, here is a video, sort of in relation to those Conservative Rabbinical teachers who believe in a certain kind of fulfillment of those biblical prophesies that relate to the coming of the Jewish Messiah, as I mentioned above. However, with all these things being said, I DO think it is rather interesting, that the state of Israel has finally become a nation again, after something like 2000 years! And which DOES seem to be like a fulfillment of some ancient prophecies from the Hebrew Bible in itself...
In my opinion, the world doesn't need any more Messiahs. (Mohammed for instance, was also considered to be the Messiah, and many fanatical Muslims hated the Jews, because they didn't accept him as such, as well). Now, there is a school of thought within the Catholic Church (that originated around modern times, with the Charismatic Movement and all, from what I understand) that teaches that we are really all called to be messiahs (small 'm') and are to work to transform the world into a better place to live, according to our own state in life; rather then wait for someone who is going to say, come out of the sky, and change the world in an instant!
And they believe, that is the true meaning of the story of Pentecost (as indicated in the Christian New Testament) and being filled with God's spirit, if you will.
I mean, if you need to believe in one or the other, I personally think that makes ALLOT more sense, and is much more rational and logical (and allot less fanatical) to begin with, if you ask me. Just sayin'...
And, in all fairness, and for arguments sake, if nothing else, there IS also a quote in the Bible attributed to Jesus (but YET, one more seeming contradiction, if you will) that says: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God"!
I don't get it? But anyway...
From what I also understand, some rabbinical teachers believe, that Christianity may have possibly come into being (in some way, shape, or form) to introduce the (pagan and gentile) world to the 'one' true, personal, monotheistic God, who is above all other 'gods', and who ultimately created the Universe, and the world itself, despite their disagreement about Jesus being the Messiah, and God himself; as any man being called God is like an abomination (and blasphemy) to them, and which I myself, can plainly understand as to why that would be. (Religion has always been messed up, one way or the other. And this is just one more example, in my opinion). Once again, just sayin'...
(And we cannot rule out the fact, that the New Testament, for instance, could have been tampered with, and things added, for example, as time went by, during the early years when it was written and finally put together, to fit a particular agenda).
One way or the other (and with all that being said) something had to have created all of this. In my strong opinion, the world and life itself, is just WAY too complex to have accidentally been created by chance. That much I BELIEVE, is what is in itself, totally self-evident. And religion (despite some of its truths) IS flawed, because Man himself, and the human race (generally speaking) is flawed...
"You know whats also never at all talked about? When after the resurrection, apparently old saints and prophets rose from the grave and walked around. Literally no one has ever addressed this and everytime I would ask apologists about it. Never gotten an answer, just "Ill make a video about it some day."
-Saint Brush (YouTube Viewer).
Matt: describing the ascension story as "seeming suspiciously convenient"
Me, a former Mormon: "like Angel Moroni taking the gold plates back to Heaven, lol"
Matt: "a lot like the Mormon story of Joseph Smith returning the Golden Plates to Moroni after translating the Book of Mormon." -Devila May Care (YouTube Viewer).
I really dig what the Rabbi says in this video (around 22:31 into the discussion).
He said: "The Rabbis of the Talmud as far back as the 2nd Century have said:
'The righteous of all people have a place in the world to come.'" End of story...
Note: Just needed a place to put these videos for MY OWN edification (and learning) but just thought I needed to comment on some of these things, being that this blog is sorta' like an open (and public) forum; and somewhat reluctantly, mind you (as is the case with many of my other blog posts here) because (to be quite frank) I know there are allot of crazy people out there, who will interpret things in their own crazy way. (Sometimes, even deliberately). And have their own crazy thoughts about things. Allot of the things going on in this country (and much of the world) seems to be a testimony to that, unfortunately. And I guess (ironically) goes back to what I said above, about the Human Race (generally speaking) being flawed to begin with.
So, if there are a group of (crazy) people for instance, fixated on you in a negative way (for whatever reason) that could be a problem. (Sad). But if it possibly edifies others, who are say, mentally stable and normal, I guess, that's good too...