Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Smoking Gun! The Bible is NOT About What You Think it is!

Possibly may explain, why there are so many seeming contradictions in the Bible, and between the different religions, and in relation to some of the similarities...

Case in point. (Regarding all the seeming, and even direct contradictions I mentioned above). And the reason why religion all too often seems to attract crazy people, and used as a form of control, among other negative things. May not agree with everything said in this video lecture though myself (and there are allot of positive, and even brilliant things in the Bible as well) but the passages in the Bible that this guy does site, are right there in black and white for all to see, and therefore, really cannot be refuted, if you at least have any kind of common sense. In other words, it is just as I had said before, that much of it is really just tribal and primitive, from the time it was written. (And VERY LIKELY, really not "divinely inspired" at all!) So, of course, in light of all these things, much of it is not to be (and SHOULD NOT BE) taken literally. And (also as I said before) it more often then not, reflects what is really in the person's character, who chooses to quote from it, one way or the other...
And any religious leader who cannot (or deliberately will not) credibly address these discrepancies, is most likely, just a phony. And should be written off as such...
In my strong opinion, anyway...

The SECRET Occult Messages Used by P. Diddy, Billie Eilish...

Important info, and interesting. For entertainment purposes only. No pun intended... Interesting point though, that he makes, is that some o...