Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Did John Lennon predict his own violent death?

I believe the above clip is from the Imagine Documentary DVD. (That I had purchased around 15 yrs ago myself). I remember being blown away (no pun intended) when I first saw it, but had forgotten about it, until I spotted this very clip posted as a short by someone, which I noticed on my YouTube home page just several days ago. Along with many others, I had posted a comment about it. When I had received a notification that a second person had 'liked' my comment, I noticed that the video was somewhat oddly removed by the account holder, as stated by YouTube. I had initially posted the short to my Pinterest account, as I kinda' wanted a record of it, because it was so incredible, for lack of a better word. And so, looking for a replacement, I found the above video (which is basically the same short I had initially posted to Pinterest) and is how this whole blog post started. (As there is some really interesting stuff here, in more ways then one). 
Yea (as I stated in my initial comment) it almost seems like the Universe was trying to give John Lennon a warning in some way, and in a rather indirect way at that; as I definitely believe myself, that Ouija Boards are potentially VERY dangerous, and should generally be avoided to begin with. But John seemed to have that spiritual like side to him, as mentioned in one of the other videos above. For instance, he seemed to feel that the number 9 had some kind of significance in his life. 
For example, he and his son were both born on Oct 9th. John, oddly, also died on the 9th of December, of all days! He was also considered to be VERY intuitive, extremely smart, and even somewhat psychic. (Although, he obviously, was also a little eccentric as well).
With all this being said, it is also interesting to note, that Lennon did seem to be aware (as expressed in some of his quotes and lyrics) that he had something of a problem, with some crazy, negatively obsessed fans and individuals, that often caused him to be something of a recluse at times. (Which, in all honesty, among other things, I can kinda' relate to myself). For instance, here are some of the lyrics to his song, The Ballad of John & Yoko: "Christ you know it aint easy. You know how hard it can be. The way things are goin', they're gonna' crucify me..."

"When John did an interview with someone prior to his death, he mentioned he didn't want to sell his soul again. Sadly,  you only need to do it once...then payday comes. Maybe John was breaking away from it towards the end." -Susan P 
(YouTube Viewer).
"I first heard this rumor on coast to coast am and I believe it ! The story revealed that the last year of his life he was writing letter after letter to every priest, evangelist and shaman to get the contract of his soul voided. But in those days things were very odd and believable." -Jimi (YouTube Viewer).

Disclaimer: This is really all just conjecture (and hearsay) here, and part of the whole myth surrounding The Beatles. Makes for some interesting legend, if nothing else. 
I guess, we probably may never really know if it is all really true or not...

"Meanwhile, as our government worries about a musical legend, tons of kidnappings, rapes and clergy abuse went unseen at this time." -Sue Boyd (YouTube Viewer).

Another interesting track, that Lennon said was basically a goof on that certain segment of American society's obsession with guns, and violence. And written back in the 1960's no less! (Lennon was also interestingly, against the Vietnam War). 
He said it was initially influenced by an ad he inadvertently came across in a gun magazine entitled: "Happiness is a Warm Gun." (Of course, we know, that ironically, it was a psychopath with a gun who eventually ended his life). According to John, the track, in the end, ultimately developed into something of a musical collage'...

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Gregg Braden - The Torah Code: A 3,000 Year Old Ancient Map Reveals the Unthinkable!

Disclaimer: Yea, some interesting stuff here, but I do believe you still have to be EXTREMELY careful in relation to these kind of giving related matters. (Many of them ARE scams). Dishonest individuals can (and often do) use the Bible to justify giving them money. There are plenty of credible and verifiable stories regarding this. (I do believe there is some kind of spiritual principle in relation to giving, but once again, you have to use common sense). Just sayin'...

Friday, September 16, 2022

Music Theory is SIMPLE....(when it's presented like this)

Good stuff...

"The original Tonnetz grid was created by arguably the greatest mathematician who ever lived, Leonhard Euler. He turned his mathematical mind to graphing music and first noted that a Major chord is a Major 3rd with a minor 3rd stacked on top, while a minor chord is a minor 3rd with a Major 3rd stacked on top.
From there he branched out the relationships of those starting notes and built the grid mathematically." -Luke Dub (YouTube Viewer).

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

China’s Economy Just IMPLODED (LEAKED INSIDER REPORT) & Why Russia is in Serious Trouble...

I always said it, President Xi Jinping is a deliberate moron, a total sociopath, and an unmitigated disaster. It's also amazing, how much we are kept in the dark about what is really, currently going on in China. (And Russia, for that matter). The reality (and extent) of if (not withstanding, the self-destructive COVID lockdowns) is just about never reported on here in the United States. (At least, not at this time). Yet, the U.S. sold out to China years ago. Bad move, if you ask me...

Ditto here. (And what should be a no-brainer). Putin is another total disaster as a world leader; an extremely self-centered (reptilian-like) megalomaniac, a complete moron, and one crazy son of a bitch! Among other things, because of him, the Russian economy is in shambles, for what should be obvious reasons. There should therefore be no reason whatsoever, with all the military aid the U.S. has sent to Ukraine, in itself (and which totals more then the entire defense budget of Russia to begin with!) why Ukraine should not be able to win this war...
Remember the quote from my previous blog post? Oh, yea. Once again, we are seeing it played out in real time (on the world stage) right before our very eyes: 
“When the wicked are in rule, the people mourn; when the righteous are in rule, the people rejoice.” -The Book of  Proverbs. Too Deep...

The SECRET Occult Messages Used by P. Diddy, Billie Eilish...

Important info, and interesting. For entertainment purposes only. No pun intended... Interesting point though, that he makes, is that some o...