Saturday, April 24, 2021

Quantum Physics, and Alternate Theories of Reality...

Can we not also say, because we have time, we have distance? Think about it. In other words, time elapses when we say, walk from point A to point B, for instance. Therefore, if there was no time, can we not also say, there would be no distance? I mean, you can say, that time still transpires when you are standing still, but if there was no time, I would think, there still would be no distance; because distance can exist only in 'time'. May explain allot about the spiritual realm; if you believe there is such a thing, that is. Sorta' like another dimension, maybe. 
In other words, we are currently living in this space - time dimension, because of the Big Bang; which sorta' like created time and space, as we know it. (And therefore, in Eternity for example, there would be no such thing as time, space, or distance). Too Deep... 
But maybe, that's where such things as Quantum Physics comes in; to at least possibly understand these things from a scientific perspective. Because, one of the things this area of science gets into, for instance, is that atoms actually behave differently when they are observed! And that's a mind blower in itself...

Are Angels Real or Our Imagination?

WAY too good to pass up and not save somewhere. To be perfectly honest, I'm not too sure about a little of the astrology thing thrown in...